Andrew Greenfield talks and media

Andrew Greenfield, Consultant Child & Educational Psychologist has contributed to child, adolescent and parenting magazines, newspapers and other media and has appeared on Australian television as a consultant commenting on a range of psychological issues. 

Andrew Greenfield is often asked to give talks or conduct informative seminars and workshops on a range of topics. Please contact Andrew if you would like further information on seminars.

As heard regularly on 2GB's Ben Fordham Live program

Andrew on Channel 9 News

Andrew on Channel 7s House of Wellness Program

Andrew Greenfield on Channel 7s House of Wellness Program

Andrew on Sky News

Andrew on Sky News

Andrew on Studio 10 - May 2022

Andrew with Sarah Harris & Tristan MacManus


The Project - Channel 10Talking to Your Kids about Cyclones
Financial ReviewPublic vs Private schools
Sky News Weekend LiveSky News with Jaynie Seal - Social Media ban for under 16 year olds, Pros and Cons
The Project - Channel 10Research Finds Parents Regret giving their Kids Smartphones
Sky News Weekend LiveSky News with Janie Seal - NAPLAN testing and Children and Adolescent Mental Health
Waitmate BlogContribute to Waitmate Blog
Ch10 National NewsWhen should you give your primary age child a smart phone
2GB Mike JeffreysHow to tell kids about terrible events
Channel 10 The ProjectCan Screentime BE OK for Kids
UNICEF Parenting Hub articleContribute to UNICEF Parenting Hub article for World Mental Health Day. Social Media and Teen Mental Health
Channel 7 The Morning Show with Larry & KylieWhy Overbearing Parents are to blame for Kids' Mental Health Problems
Channel 10 The Project

Trend Sees Teens Staging Fights To Put On Social Media

Channel 7 News

Huge shift in NSW school attendance habits following COVID lockdown - Screen Addiction


Channel 9 Today ShowSchools to trial shortened school days
Mamamia's The Quicky podcastWhy Parents are Deleting Photos of their Kids
Channel 10 newsGaming Addiction Linked to Aggression in Children - 10News First
Channel 10 news 

Can early play affect kid's attention in the classroom

YouTube link to story

Studio 10 liveAdvice for parents: How to talk to kids about Texas Massacre
Universal Media6 Practical Tips for Moving Schools | School Choice and When to send your child to private school | School Choice
Channel 10 newsCoping with COVID in the classroom - implications for learning
'ABC Everyday' Online

How to help children and teens process news coverage about the flood disaster and Ukraine conflict

News Corp article'...How to talk to your child about war...]
Studio 10, Channel 10 Morning ShowExpert Tips on Managing your child's HSC expectations
Sunday Telegraph articleIncrease in bullying and self defence classes since lockdown
Channel 7 news MelbourneMask wearing for children returning to school - Pros and Cons
SMH articleChoosing a High School for Your Child
Kidspot articleBreaking the cycle of self harm
Channel 10 newsStory on kids coping during lockdown 
Kidspot article'Shepherd Parenting''- Pros and Cons
Department of Social Services - Stop it at the Start programVideo shoot and media campaign for Respect in the Community program;
International Social Media Association (ISMA)Panel discussion on social media for students
ABC Radio - Melbourne Drive show with Raf EpsteinTo smack or not to smack - research behind it
Channel Seven news (Ch7)'Students in ire learning''- State school violence doubles 
House of Wellness Ch7 websiteHow to talk to your childten about Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy
Tutor2You InterviewInterview on Learning Difficulties, What are they and how can Learning Difficulties be assessed?
ABC EverydayTalking about Death to Children & Best age for sleepovers
6PR 882 Perth Radio with Mark Gibson & Tracy Vo'Tantrums take a Toll' - how to effectively deal with tantrums
Daily Telegraph article'How dreary winter days affect our mood'
Channel 7 news 6pm'Childcare hits play on new way of Learning' 
New York Times T magazineWhat makes The Wiggles so successful
Essential Baby & on Crying in front of your kids
Channel 9 newsSome school anti-bullying programs may do more harm than good 
West Australian NewspaperThe Wiggles release new Emma Ballerina outfits for boys
Hit 104.9 VIC Breakfast program Tim & Jess Psychological impacts of COVID-19 and children heading back to school
2GB Ben Fordham Live programBehaviour Management strategies with children - to smack or not to smack
New Idea articleHow to Boost your child's self-esteem
ABC Newcastle/NSW Morning Show with Craig HamiltonWhat to do if your kids aren't coping as well as they did before isolation at school
Daily Telegraph articleCoronavirus anxiety. How to talk to your kids about COVID-19
2GB Ben Fordham programThe benefit of kids writing on paper rather than using technology
The House of Wellness TV Ch7The House of Wellness TV program on channel seven - Parenting and behaviour management strategies
Freelance writer articleInterview on eco anxiety and how it affects young people
The Project Ch10

Segment on Climate Change Anxiety or 'Climate Chanxiety'

Channel 10 The Project link

Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)Good Schools Guide for NSW Article on tips for assisting children and parents with scholarship tests
2GB Ben Fordham programCan Kids ask too many questions  / Should we stop our children from swearing?
News Limited article - Sean SzepsAppropriateness of siblings kissing
2ser107.3 radioClimate Change Anxiety debate
Daily Mail AustraliaThe Devastating rise of 'eco-anxiety':Schoolkids being damaged by the climate change debate article
SBS Television News'Climate Changxiety' - Climate Change Anxiety in children
SMH articlePsychological effect on kids being suspended or expelled from school
ABC Radio, ABC NSW Drive program with Fiona PooleThe Rise in Anxiety in young children and the role of technology
ABC Radio Sydney: Focus with Cassie McCullagh programNeurodevelopmental Disorders: Attention Difficulites and Learning DIfficulites
2GB Ben Fordham programTrading Hugs for blowing bubbles - comment on the Clementine Ford column
hit 107 program, Adelaide: Bec & Cosi breakfast programThe psychological effect of exclusion on children; Bec & Cosi's Super Cool Kids' Party
2GB Ben Fordham program'School's party invite ban slammed as 'bloody ridiculous' - article 2GB PODCAST
9Honey interviewScreen time and it's benefits
Universal Sony launch of the Grinch movieContribute to media release and media opportunities discussing the psychological benefits of giving and 'ungrinching'
News CorpShattered screen taught us all a valuable lesson InterviewSchools banning mobile phones article
Channel 10 News Parents and kids on devices
Royal Australian Mint Present research on the 'Dollar Discovery' Program at the Mint and discuss with various media outlets
Today Show, Ch 9 Expert on Today's Agenda segmentParenting and Discipline
College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists newsletterMember Profile
Daily Telegrah articleScreen time affecting social skills in children
Today Show, Ch 9 Expert on Today's Agenda segmentAre we Damaging our Kids by Labelling them Gifted?
ABC News OnlineDads talking to their daughters about periods
Kids Weekly PodcastThe role of fidget spinners with children with ADHD
Daily Telegraph storyUnusual Names for kids and the psychological effects they can have
2GB Ben Fordham programPC brigade targeting children's books
2GB Ben Fordham programParents Drinking Around Children
6PR Perth LIVE Oliver Peterson programParents' addiction to devices
2GB Ben Fordham programParents glued their mobile 'are driving children to self-harm'
Weekend Magazine - RegionalArticle on screen time for children & adolescents facebook live chatToddlers and the Terrible Twos
Early Learning ReviewPassive Aggression and how it can affect your child
HuffPost AustraliaHow to deal with your teenagers
New Idea articlePressures on children on reality TV ptograms - National Spelling bee
Mamamia Women's NetworkHow can I develop my child's imagination?
HuffPost AustraliaTinder for Teens, Is it apporpriate
HuffPost AustraliaNightmares and Night Terrors in children
Channel 10 NewsADHD treatment: Medication vs Behaviour Management
Sydney's Child Magazine articleHow much parental involvement is too much when it comes to your child's school?
Essential Kids website - Fairfax MediaGender-labelled toys
Huffington PostWas is appropriate iPad or screen time for children?
Daily TelegraphTeaching Money Management to our kids
2SER Community Radio - Dr Jessica RevillNAPLAN: The Pros and Cons
Daily Telegraph Rendesview columnBlended Families article
North Shore Mum's onlineWhy are your kids obsessed with dominoes and other store collections?
Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)Parenting Styles: Benefits of each
Daily TelegraphKids Spot - Back to School Page 1Page 2
Sydney Morning Herald - Essential KidsChildren's weight and its affect on self-esteem
4BC Radio NetworkThe grisly truth about children's cartoons
Australian Multiple Births Associaation Magazine (AMBA)Article on How to manage twins with differing abilities
4BC radio QueenslandTalking to your child about the news of the day
SMH article - contributionChildren's fear of getting older
Manly DailyIs smacking ok?
Insight Program - SBSShame: Transcript of the show
Fairfax Radio Network - 4BCCelebrity roles models are they good for our kids? 
Dolly MagazineThe Power of Social Media
Fairfax Radio Network - 2UE, Weekends with George & PaulTwins separated at birth
Fairfax Radio Network - 2UE, Lunch with Dicko & SarahTwins separated at birth
Channel 9 National News programSchool Readiness segment, Mama Mia websiteSorry is being phased out article
Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) articleNAPLAN anxiety and stress websiteMy Child Hits
Medikidz Explain ADHD - updateUpdate to Medikidz comic 
North Shore Mums websiteMy Child Hits
2UE / 4BC radio programTiger Parenting, Can it lead to poor mental health?
Mix 101.1 / Mix 106.5 Chrissie & Jane radio programTwin telepathy, Does it really exist?
ABC Health & Wellbeing OnlinePros & Cons of Smacking Your Child
4BC Radio QLDHow to talk to adolescents
Today Tonight - Channel 7Illegal Baby Names - The psychological impact a name can have
Media Release for Hootkid Children's Clothing CompanyThe Importance of Play
Sunday Telegraph articlePicking the Right Friends
Today Tonight - Channel 7Growing Pains - children growing up too quickly VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2
Sunday Telegraph article'Learned Helplessness' with learning 
Sunday Telegraph articlePrivate vs Public school education. The Great Class Divide Article 1 Article 2
2UE radio Murray Wilton programTwin bonds - Different Strokes Actor was an identical twin
Daily Telegraph interviewWhat to tell your child when they ask about the Connecticut school massacre
Sunday Telegraph interviewSchools banning children from saying no to their peers in the playground
Australian Multiple Births Association MagazineThe Psychology of Gift-Giving. Is it Better to Give or Receive? Read full article here 
4BC Radio Brisbane (afternoons with Moyd & Loretta)Psychological affects of 'strange' names for children Listen Now
Today Tonight - Channel 7Twins happy to attract attention (Extended version) Twins happy to attract attention (Shortened version)
The Learning Difficulties Coalition newsletterFrom LDC Newsletter Issue 4 2012 Psychological Assessments - your questions answered on IQ and Educational Assessments
The Sunday Telegraph'Bullying' and what it really means blog

Blog on website - useful iPad and iPhone apps for children with learning difficulties: Apps for Children with Learning Difficulties

Rural Press article in The Young Witness newspaperArticle on Violence and Poor Social Skills in Teenagers

'Twin Speak' article - why do twins speak a secret language?

Sunday TelegraphPsychological impact of 'strange names' on children
2UE / 4BC Radio4BC radio Queensland, 'Twin Telepathy' article 'Encouraging toddlers to share'

Practical Parenting Magazine

Practical Parenting Magazine - 'Watch what you say' article (September issue)

Sunrise Breakfast Show - Channel 7

Channel 7 Sunrise Program

Twin Bonds

Medikidz ADHD comic

Medikidz Explain ADHD Review Article Reference, Australian publication

Brisbane News Magazine

Brisbane News Magazine  

The Benefits of 'twinship' in adult twins

Australian Multiple Birth Association Magazine

Australian Multiple Birth Association Magazine

Twin Telepathy, Does it really exist?

Sunrise Breakfast Show - Channel 7

Channel 7s Sunrise Program

 The Magic of Twins

2UE / 4BC Radio

4BC/2UE radio - Twin telepathy.

Does it really exist?

The Australian newspaperThe Australian - twin suicide story
Sydney Telegraph newspaperSydney Telegraph article - twin bonds
DVD launch

Karate Kid DVD launch

benefits of martial arts / karate

Leader Community Newspaper Online

Leader Community Newspaper Online (Vic)

Record number of multiples sitting HSC / VCE success

Sydney Morning Herald NewspaperJunior MasterChef experience for children, Pros & Cons
The TODAY Show - Channel 9

Super heroes as role models

TODAY Show Super heroes

Australian Multiple Birth Association MagazineHow do I motivate my Child?
Eastern Area Multiple Birth Association Newsletter

Eastern Area Multiple Birth Association Newsletter

True Confessions

Northern Beaches Multiple Birth Club Newsletter

Northern Beaches Multiple Birth Club Newsletter

 Competition between twins can lead to 'Twibling Rivalry'

Australian Multiple Birth Association MagazineTwins and Health Issues
Australian Multiple Birth Association MagazineQ & A column
Waverley Multiple Births Association NewsletterWaverley Multiple Births Association Newsletter
Practical Parenting Magazine

Practical Parenting Magazine

Twin Confessions article

Good Health Magazine

Good Health Magazine

affect of internet/computer games on children

Practical Parenting Magazine

Practical Parenting Magazine     

'Raising Twins', from a twin perspective

Twins Plus Festival - AMBA

MC for 'Twins Plus Festival' held at Taronga Zoo

presented by AMBA and Australian Twin Registry

Australian Multiple Birth Association MagazineQ & A column
Australian Multiple Birth Association MagazineQ & A column
2UE / 4BC RadioPros and Cons of Child Care for toddlers
Mens Health Magazine

ADHD - myths and tips for fathers (Oct issue)

Mens Health article on ADHD

Hawkesbury GazetteChild Development and Education article
Practical Parenting Magazine

Practical Parenting Magazine Q & A

'twin issues' (Oct issue)

Australian Multiple Births MagazineQ & A column
Can We Help - Channel ABC1

 "Ask the Expert" segment

Child Psychology issues A B C

Practical Parenting MagazineQ & A - 'twin issues'
"Choosing A School For Your Child NSW" MagazineCoping with the HSC article
My Family Magazine - FairfaxRecognising Learning Difficulties and Giftedness
Practical ParentingQ & A - 'twin issues'
Practical Parenting MagazineContribution to article on 'Twins' Language Development'
Australian Multiple Births Magazine Resident PsychologistQ & A column
ABC Radio SA'The Easter Bunny' - breaking the truth to kids
Practical Parenting MagazineQ & A - 'twin issues'   
The TODAY Show - Channel 9

First Day of School Visit TODAY site for info: 

TODAY Show Summary article

Practical Parenting Magazine          Raising Children with Good Manners
That's Life Magazine (Woman's Weekly) Empathy with twins
Australian Multiple Births Magazine  Resident Psychologist columnQ & A column
My Family MagazineMy Family Magazine
My Family magazineFairfax Community Newspaper Production
Australian Parents MagazineEffects of TV viewing on young children
Little Kids magazineLearning a 2nd Language and its implications
ABC North-Coast RadioAre we born 'Bad'?
ABC North-Coast Radio InterviewEffects of TV on children. Pro's & Con's
ABC RadioLife without TV for children
Mornings with Kerri-Anne - Channel 9Bullying in Schools (provided information for the program)
ABC RadioTelling Children White Lies - how this affects your child
ABC RadioChildren and mobile phone usage
The TODAY Show - Channel 9Bullying Episode TODAY Show + Summary article
ABC RadioHomework pressures for children
60 minutes - Channel 9Parenting styles
Daily TelegraphParenting
BRW MagazineSuccessful parents; Time for their kids?
A Current Affair - Channel 9

Behaviour Management                                                                                                                                                                           



Andrew Greenfield, Consultant Child & Educational Psychologist is often asked to give talks or conduct informative seminars and workshops on a range of topics. Please contact Andrew if you would like further information on seminars.

Learning Difficulties Coalition NSW (LDC)LDC Parent Talks - Emerging Trends with Mental Health and Developmental Disorders
EAPAA International ConferenceThe Emerging Trends with Mental Health and Developmental Disorders in Children and Adolescents
ADHD & Career Planning SeminarSeminar at Emanuel School - Panelist
High School in Motion - Kalibrate-ED talkBalancing Wellbeing with Academic Success
Learning Difficulties Coalition (LDC)Parent talk: Behaviour Support and Parenting Tips for kids with ADHD and Learning Difficulties
Takeda Seminar Sydney - Paediatrician and Psychiatrist groupThe Challenges of parenting children and adolescents with ADHD and ASD
Takeda Neuroscience Summit (Melbourne) - SpeakerThe Challenges of living with a Neurodiverse Child or Adolescent - a non medical perspective
Lindfield Speech & Language CentreSeminar on WISC-V and psychometric assessments: Interpreting these assessments
Ravenswood School for GirlsConduct seminar and Q & A for students on Neurodiversity
JH Kids WebinarHelping Your Child with Anxiety Returning to School with Confidence
ADHD Foundation AustraliaThe Parent-School Relationship - Making it Work
ADHD Foundation UK/Ireland International Conference UK/Ireland

Changing Perceptions of ADHD in 21st Century. The Parent-School Relationship - Making it Work

International Social Media AssociationTalking on the influence of Social Media. Pros and Cons for students
BJE and JH Kids ZOOM session (approx 60 attendees)Anxiety and Emotional Regulation in Children: Practical strategies for parents. 
Smart Parent Summit May 13-15 2020

School Readiness: How to determine if my child is ready for school

Summit Information Page

Psych Support Assessment Services - SeminarEmotional Regulation & Anxiety: For Students with ADHD, ODD, Learning Difficulties and other developmental disorders
Learning Difficulites Coalition SeminarEmotional Regulation & Anxiety and how this affects students with ADHD and Learning Difficulites
Australian Doctor GP Education Event: How to Treat Live 2019Seminar on Brain & Behaviour, The Link between psychology and pain: Identifying the signs of ADHD, Anxiety & Depression; Behaviour Management and Parenting strategies and recognising Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Psych Support Assessment Services - SeminarConduct Seminar on Behaviour Management - Practical Strategies for Parent and Teachers for children with ADHD, ASD, ODD and other developmental disorders
Southern Sydney Multiple Birth Association (SSMBA)Seminar and Q & A on School Readiness and Behaviour Management for Multiples
Takeda (Shire Australia) Clinical Insights: Uncovering the Hidden Issues; 2019 MelbourneConduct seminar on Emotional Dysregulation
Ravenswood School for Girls, GordonUnderstanding IQ & Educational Assessments
Macquarie ADHD Parent Support GroupADHD & The School
LDC Regional Seminar - Orange NSWBehaviour Management Strategies
Clinical Insights, ADHD Networks 2018, MelbourneThe role of the Psychologist in ADHD Networks
Eastern Suburbs Multiple Birth AssociationBehaviour Management seminar
Eastern Suburbs Multiple Birth AssociationSchool Readiness
Learning Difficulties Coalition NSWADHD - The Many Perspectives: Classroom and Behaviour Management Strategies for ADHD
Inner West Multiple Birth AssociationBorn a Multiple, Also an Individual + Q & A
St Catherine's School, WaverleyDiscuss new WISC-V assessment: Administration and interpretation
Mission AustraliaBehaviour Management Strategies  for ADHD and other Developmental Disorders (ADHD, ODD, ASD). Parent Q & A

ADHD Annual Conference

ADDults with ADHD

Behaviour Management Strategies  for ADHD and other Developmental Disorders (ADHD, ODD, ASD)
Paediatrician SeminarDiscuss WISC-V assessment tool and interpretative implications
Paediatrician discussionDIscuss WISC-V and it changes and interpretative implications
Eastern Suburbs Multiple Births Assoc'My twin story' and Q & A
Chatswood Public SchoolManagement strategies for students with ADHD, ODD, ASD and other developmental disorders
Macquarie ADHD Parent Support GroupBehaviour Management Strategies  for ADHD and other Developmental Disorders (ADHD, ODD, ASD)
St Catherine's, Waverley, Learning enrichment staffUnderstanding IQ & Educational Assessments
Paediatricians Educational MeetingMeasuring Learning Difficulties and understanding Educational Assessments
Macarthur Early Childhood Intervention Service (MECIS)Behaviour Management Strategies for children with ADHD, ASD and other behavioural difficulties
Learning Difficulties Coalition NSW (LDC)Behaviour Management Strategies for Parents, Teachers & Health Professionals
Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA)Developmental Stages of Children & Adolescents
Australian Multiple Birth Association National ConventionIn the Minds of Multiples: Supporting Multiples and Multiple Birth Parents
Eastern Suburbs ADHD SUpport GroupQ & A
Mum for Mum CharityScreen time -the good and the bad; a discussion about internet safety, appropriate amounts of screen time & the difference between TV, PC & iPad
2nd ADHD Symposium: The Delta ClinicUnderstading IQ & Educational Assessments. How to make sense of Psychometric reports.
SPELD NSWADHD in simple terms + understanding IQ & Educational assessments
Teacher's Christian Fellowship NSWPractical Strategies for ADHD
ADHD interest meeting Case Studies
ADHD interest meeting Sydney CentralCase Studies
Teacher's Christian Fellowship NSWUnderstanding ADHD: Practical strategies for teachers of ADHD children
Northern Beaches Secondary CollegeProfessional Learning Day Seminars: Understanding IQ & Educational assessments + implications for DSM-V + ADHD Management Strategies for Teachers
Holdsworth Community CentreParenting Q & A: behaviour management, anxiety, bedtime routines
Coogee Batory KindergartenSchool Readiness
Learning Difficulties Coalition NSW (LDC)Understanding IQ and Educational Assessments and implications for DSM-V
GLD Australia SeminarRaising Your GLD Child: Being Proactive & Reactive
Learning Difficulties Coalition NSW (LDC)Convene seminar: School Support for Students with Learning Difficulties - An Interactive Forum
North Shore Speech Therapy IQ & Educational Assessments - Implications for ADD, Learning Difficulties, NVLDs and other developmental disorders
Holdsworth Community Centre, WoollahraSchool Readiness
Holdsworth Community Centre, WoollahraBehaviour Management / Sibling Rivalry